NGOs, You Will Love Our FREE Social Media Workshop

We’re so enthusiastic about the newest AYG Social Media Workshop, that we barely contain ourselves in anticipation.
If it’s your first time on the AYG blog, besides the warm welcome, we’re pleased to greet you with one of our identity pillars, respectively, our vision:

To be recognized and respected as a leading change agent in our field.

And we assume that role with every morning coffee we take. We believe that the utmost change comes through the power of good. And we understand that it needs time and consistent effort to unfold. We advocate for and bring the sustainable and positive impact our society needs. With each activity, strategical or not, we show relevancy and that we care deeply about our surroundings. We aspire to be the change agents society’s looking for.

The Context that fosters the need for a Social Media Workshop

Another thing about us – we’re based in Constanta, but we activate worldwide. If you don’t know much about the city, it’s on the Black Sea coast. Which means that it’s a touristic city. And a very old one, as well. So, we need projects and initiatives to define the social and environmental infrastructures. Besides a few CSR initiatives, NGOs are the economical agents actually activating and impacting this context.

A well-known truth about NGOs is that, though they trigger change, they turn around fewer profits. They deal with the framework and not the core. They make sure the rest of the organizations carry out in an effective, stimulative habitat. NGOs, thus generate enough to self-sustain and reinvest in both future programs and their workforce.

So, revenue is the area they need the most support in. Even from our early beginning, we reached out to partner with like-minded entities to bring the positive changes expected in Constanta.

Another important aspect of how we do things around here is that we offer frameworks that can later become self-sustainable mechanisms. With a bit of a smile, being close to the sea, we believe that If you give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day; but if you teach a man how to fish, you’ll feed him for a lifetime.

We contribute with our background by “teaching NGOs how to fish”. For revenue and workforce, of course. And we do that where our expertise meets local NGOs’ needs. Hence the relevancy of a Social Media Workshop at both strategic and operational levels. A Social Media Workshop that measures specific results, engages volunteers and brings brand awareness.

The AYG Social Media Workshop

With the satisfaction of hard work and enthusiasm to measure up, we announce an authentic AYG Romania initiative. A one-day Social Media workshop for Today’s Game Changers that we’re aiming to deliver by the end of 2017’s 1st quarter.

It’s a vast topic, we know. But when you factor in the unique characteristics, limitations, and needs of NGOs, the area narrows to specific subjects, such as:

  • How to create a social media strategy in the digital era. Starting with an organizational audit in terms of marketing, we will zoom in on how to connect the core identity to the outlier environment creating a self-sustainable, effective advocacy system at the same time.
  • How to position your organization online. Social Media is like attending a party: you see everybody, but you can interact with just a few of the attendees. As a result, focusing on what social networks to be actively involved in, along with specific approaches to adopt within each of them, becomes a key condition. Another crucial aspect of brand awareness and positioning is that of Social Media Branding. Therefore, a complementary component of the social media strategy will tackle the essentials of branding.
  • How to build advertising campaigns on budget restraints and ensure consistency between the voice and message we use on Social Media.

From past experiences, we’ve come to see the importance of leadership and operational alignment. Regarding NGOs, they not only have a real necessity to reach a common understanding of Social Media strategizing, but they also need to align key performance indicators, expect the same outcome and agree upon the tactics that will get them there.

Our Triple Bottom Line refers to evaluating our activity from the three vital perspectives: that of the society, ensuring a healthy environment and economic progress. CSR is an organic part of AYG Romania. It reflects the human nature of the organization, a personal commitment to contribute to the community that we activate in. The Social Media Workshop we’re proposing supports the idea of a strong, balanced bottom line that enhances social and financial indicators at the same time.

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Deliana Trasca

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