#MageStackDay, Anyone?

Dear Entrepreneurs & Developers, save your February 3rd and 4th for the #MageStackDay event!

What do you mean “What’s that”? Only one of the most fun and engaging events of the year for Magento Developers. Whether you’re a one-man show managing your Magento eShop or if you’ve got a team of developers sorting through Magento errors, this might help answer your questions.

So, here’s how it all started: through the frozen snow, -6℃ / 22℉ and a very bright sun, I eventually got to the office today. All joyful and happy. And asked – something I don’t ever do, to be honest – “Hey guys, what’s new today?” Silence. People were organizing their thoughts. And then Marina, one of our enthusiastic developers, told me about #MageStackDay!

Two years ago, Valentine’s weekend, we got together at our HQ to participate in #MageStackDay. We completed our stocks with some serious fuel: Coke & junk food, and started doing our thing. It was a cross-department affair. Developers were… well, developing (*smile) and our marketing people were tweeting and taking pictures. Pictures like this:

Marina During #MageStackDay
Marina, answering a StackExchange question.

If you spent some time on StackExchange you know of the event, for sure. It’s a fun and extremely relevant online meet up where Magento Developers in 20+ countries contribute to closing as many threads on Magento StackExchange & answering questions from the Magento Community Forum.

#MageStackDay started back in 2014 while magento.stackexchange.com was still in Beta. Since it was a big success, they kept on going with it.

#MageStackDay Stats from 2016

The event is now in its 6th edition and the numbers from the previous ones are quite cool. Last year, for example, there were 68 participants from 23 countries. How’s that for diversity?

#MageStackDay Stats
#MageStackDay Stats for 2016 – Participants & Countries

On the 17th & 18th of last June, they posted 573 comments, added 264 answers and got 45 new accepted questions. That was on StackExchange only. On Magento Forums, they awarded 12 Badges. And almost 3000 messages were exchanged on Slack.

I’ve always had this deep appreciation for Magento Developers and their self-sustainable community. It’s the kind of community we all dream of building or being part of – one that grows stronger and more connected by day. And isn’t it amazing what we can do together, isn’t it? Margaret Mead once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

First a #MageStackDay rookie, now giving back to the community

As part of a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens, himself, another of our developers, Alex, shared his experience from last year. Back then, he was an all-time rookie. So, he remembered a mile long answer our CTO had put together on a specific question. He was impressed by the thoroughness, complexity, and broad view approach.

We don’t yet have pictures with Alex but make sure to follow our Twitter account on February 3rd and 4th to see him in full #MageStackDay action. (*wink)

None of them remembered any of the specific questions they answered or got answers to. But they kept in mind the discussions they got into both on and offline; how useful they turned out to be later on when solving the eShop errors we all share; and how fun it was to plug into an international network of like-minded problem solvers.

I guess belonging to something greater does the trick for most of us. It gives meaning to your work beyond just satisfying a client’s inquiry. Giving back and contributing keeps us aware and engaged.

I don’t know about you, but I surely can’t wait for the 2017 online hackathon #MageStackDay calls itself to be. And I’m not even a developer. 🙂

So, do you have issues? It’s safe to say… We all do. Come be part of #MageStackDay 2017 on 3rd & 4th of February. Or let your developers know about it, so they can get involved. Get your fingers ready and let’s start typing answers!

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Deliana Trasca

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